Paseo Artístiko In the Plasa O.E Sint Jago
Visit the Paseo Artístiko in the Plasa O.E Sint Jago, Rincon. This is the walk of stars–those memorable Bonaireans who have contributed to the island’s wealth of culture in the arts and music, made possible by the Fundashon pa Arte i Kultura Bonaire in coordination with Bernhard Cultuurfonds Caribisch Gebied.
October 17, 2021, honoring Tavio Sint Jago.
Another dream came true, as the unveiling of the bust of Tavio Sint Jago marked the opening of the Paseo Artístiko.
October 24, 2021, honoring Bonaire’s musicians:
Liberio Augustin Kroon
Kompositor, Kantante i Músiko
Composer, Singer & Musician
*December 30th,1943
+December 15th, 2008
Felipi Andries Sint Jago
MúsikoKantante di Tipiko Bonereiano
Musician,Singer of Tipiko Boneriano
* August 14th, 1918
+ August 31st, 2015
Benita Arcadia Balentien-Janga
1Teacher/Scout Leader/ Composer/
Singer/Conductor Kanta Orkidia
Maestra/Lider di Scout/Kompositor/Kantante/Dirigente di Kanta Orkidia
* January 12th, 1938
+July 30th, 2012
Pio Emiterio (Theo) Scherptong
Músiko/Tokadó di mandolin di Tipiko Boneriano
Musician/Mandolin player of Tipiko Boneriano
*Bonaire, May 5th, 1922
+October 13th, 2014
October 31, 2021, honoring Bonaire’s cultural historians and musicians:
Maximi N. St. Jago
Culturist documentalist/Kulturista dokumentalista
* October 29th, 1947
+ January 24th 2004
Florencia A. Claasen-Molina
Kantante/Kompositor/Boluntario Sosial
Singer/ Composer/Social Volunteer
* October 16th, 1944
+ February 22nd, 2018
Santa Anna Thode
Kantante / Singer
*July 26th, 1932
+May 28th, 2001
Milto (Boysi) Koeks
*February 23rd, 1952
+ March 2nd, 2019
November 7, 2021, honoring Bonaire’s actors and musicians:
Arcadio”Cai Cai”, Benito Cicilia
Composer/Singer/Musician/Actor/1st Tourist guide
Kompositor/Kantante/Músiko, Aktor i promé guia Turístiko
*January 15th, 1934
+October 20th, 1997
Urbano Poulus (Bambam) Marcera
Musician/ Mandolin player
Músiko ,Tokadó di mandolin
*April 2nd, 1948
+October 25th, 2014
Juliana P. Goeloe
Kantante/Ko-Fundadó di “Grupo Nos Kosecha”
Singer/Co-founder of the Group “Nos Kosecha”
*June 21st 1926
+March 2nd 2021
Serafina Tjietjie-Bislik
Kantante i Ko-Fundadó di “Grupo Nos Kosecha”
Composer/Singer and Co-Founder of the Group” Nos Kosecha”
*October 12th 1930
+December 26th 2014
November 14, 2021, honoring Bonaire’s musicians, composers, and teachers:
Glenn Grigorio Lugo
Founder of “Glenn i su Gèn”
Singer/Musician/Composer & Arranger
*January 26th, 1963
+June 23rd, 2010
Arsenio “Cheno” Thomas
Musician/Músiko *December 14th 1941
+June 27th, 2014
Henri Joseph Rodriguez
*March 11th 1955
+Sept. 25th 2020
Felipe Egberto Theodora
Singer/Musician of “Tipico Boneriano”
Kantante/Musiko di “Tipiko Boneriano”
*May 1st 1939
+October 30th 1985
+December 26th 2014
(Images courtesy of Ubaldo Anthony. All rights reserved.)
Visit our museum in Rincon!
Kaya Milon No.4 (situated just behind Rose Inn Restaurant)
Open Thursday through Sunday from 10:00 AM through 4:00 PM upon request. Also open when cruise ships are in port.
Just call +599 717-3183 or +599 786-6420 (Foundation for Art & Culture Bonaire) to make an appointment.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Help us keep Bonaire's culture alive!
Donations to the Foundation Art & Culture Bonaire are always welcome! If you'd like to help us keep Bonaire's culture and history alive, please feel free to make a donation into the following account:
Stichting voor Kunst en Cultuur van Bonaire
P.O. Box 272, Kaya Guyaba #4, Rincon, Bonaire
Maduro & Curiel's Bank (Bonaire) NV
Account 105 400 07
Swiftcode: MCBKBQBN